lol... A nice timing for a new layout, huh? Well, since the filter I found only works for A Sturdy Gesture/Expressive/Mixit layout, I had to change mine. And damn. It's hard to find these premade layout! I nearly gave up. But I'm glad I didn't. I found one and it works! I know I'm still missing the header image, but... I still can't decide which pic to use ^^; That and I just can't wait to hide tags I hate!
Anyways, the filter I'm talking about is
Talk to the Hand. It's very useful to hide entries with selected tags from your Livejournal friends page view. Yes. Since I'm following many fanfiction lj, and there's some popular pair that I HATE to death, I don't wanna see the entry on my friend page. Just seeing the pair name pissed me off. To save myself from the agony, I decided to look for a filter. So anyways, after a long months looking for a filter that actually works, I found these! It's easy to use/install too. If you had Greasemonkey (or Tempermonkey in Chrome) you're good to go! But remember, it's only works on these 3 layout. Have fun & hide all the things you don't wish to see! ;p
Leaving you with pouty, adorbs Kame-chan selfie!