Mar 18, 2003 09:05
My ISP sucks. My ISP's Webmail sucks. My backup Webmail sucks. The fact that IMP doesn't exist sucks.
Because of all these sucky things sucking, I didn't get to hang out with Otto and The Doctor briefly last night. I had a wonderful time with Cat's Eye and CPK, but it would've been nice to see my surly tall-as-trees boys, too.
Because my ISP's Webmail is deciding to be especially sucky last night and this morning, I can't even read the messages that they intended me to read before I left work yesterday. So, Otto and Doctor: IF YOU WANT TO TALK TO ME ABOUT WHAT'S HAPPENING TONIGHT, YOU MUST USE A TELEPHONIC COMMUNICATOR SOMETIME IN THE HOURS BETWEEN NOW AND 5PM, NOT COUNTING A ONE-HOUR LUNCH. OTHERWISE, I WILL ARRIVE HOME AT 6 PM AND ASSUME I'M JUST HAVING A QUIET EVENING AT HOME.
I have a new ISP picked out. Perhaps its webmail won't suck so hard.
. . . It'd be absolutely stupid of me to sign up for a non-free ISP (my current ISP isn't technically free, I'm just mooching off my parents) before I get settled in a new multi-month assignment.
I don't know if my last day is three days from now or next Friday. And the HR department might not tell my boss until tomorrow. Lamers.
I almost got into a fist fight with some pro-war people last night. If we weren't on opposite sides of the bar (Be Polite To Customers), I'm sure I'd be missing some teeth this morning.
"Don't you remember 9-11?"
"I sure do. But Iraq has no proven connection to it."
"But the terrorists-"
"Most of the pilots of the planes involved in 9-11 were Saudis, not Iraqis."
"Look, the decision's been made. We support our troops!"
"You want them to die? By the thousands? That's funny, I'd prefer them to live."
I was then given a look of pure hatred. I wanted to deck her, too. Gods, keep me away from the pro-war peoples until this thing is over. I have too much hate in me about it.
C'est la Vie.
I'm putting more French in my journal until this Anti-French nonesense stops. Actually, I should blow some rust off my French, anyways. So pardon-moi if my journal gets semi-unreadable to some of you. It's a lovely language, one that would be everyone's benefit to pick up. How else will we be all able to fully appreciate Rimbaud, the Surrealists, and Anais Nin?