Nov 02, 2014 23:07
There's a rat snuggled up to my right ear, grooming himself thoroughly. So this will be another short and light post. I can't be expected to put my full attention on writing whilst being snuggled by my only nonhuman pet.
I also waited too late in the day to write, my usual beehive of a mind is calm and quiet as I'm starting to wind down for rest. God, it's so tempting to just leave this as is and edit it tomorrow. Who'd know that I stumbled on my very second day of NaBloPoMo?
I would, I guess. It's important for me to start every endeavor by doing it textbook-perfect, and relax into more improvisational work from there. That's part of what makes drawing difficult, I have the reins in my hands but it's very hard to give myself permission to nudge the steed's flanks. I thought a certificate would help, but . . . maybe it would've been different if I could find any common ground with those last two professors.
Still, I keep looking at everyone's RI Comic Con pictures and thinking, "I belong there- but not on the floor, in Artist's Alley". Next year? I fear I've been saying that for five years now. If they manage to get the kind of big-name guests they got this year, though, Artist's Alley might sell out fast.
Cart before the horse. Just make comics, for the fun of it. Whenever they're ready to print up an issue or two, go for it. There are so many comic-friendly cons these days.
I'm having good ideas about process: scan pencils to Illustrator, where they can be resized and colored so easily. Right now I'm thinking soft tones, but I've thought greyscale before. I can try both, of course.
There's a book on making comics that's propping up my jack o'lantern right now. It was to be the text for Drawing & Writing Comics II, but the class got cancelled. I wonder if there are lessons in it that could help me build my confidence. I'll take a peek tomorrow. For now, I'm going to return my rodent friend to his cage and let my mind unspool the rest of the way. G'night.
art school,