I love questionnaire-type memes, especially when I'm having an extra-bouncy morning. One of my friends I've known since she and I were young children realized that James Lipton asks all of his guests the same ten questions on Inside the Actor's Studio, and damn, they're pretty neat! So I'm gonna answer them too, since I'm also unlikely to ever appear on that program.
- What is your favorite word?
Macabre. *laughs* Sorry, James, I suppose that says rather a lot about me. But besides the gothic overtones, I adore the sound of it. Must I limit myself to English? My favorite Swedish word is rådbråka and my favorite French word is merde. I like my swears and my medieval torture. :)
- What is your least favorite word?
This is much, much harder. I guess I'll go with "occasionally", because it's one of my signature misspelled words, most of the time.
- What turns you on creatively, spiritually, or emotionally?
There's just so much. Of course going to museums and zoos, but also out in nature, the woods. Doesn't even have to be woods, squirrels and pigeons delight me, too. I spent fifteen minutes the other day watching some sort of gnat crawling over my glasses. Any animal at all, really. Also, love. I get so inspired when I'm in love, doesn't matter if it's that heady rush of new love or the warmer, slower burn of older loves.
- What turns you off?
People who try to force their views on others. As a philosopher, of course I will debate passionately, but once somebody very firmly puts their foot down or says they will never shift their view on that topic, I back the hell off. Or try to, sometimes it's very difficult. But I do not go along well with people who think theirs is the One True Way, in religion or kink or politics, or anything. We're all living together on this big beautiful sphere, we have to accept that not everyone thinks and feels in exactly the same way we do, or values the same things.
- What is your favorite curse word?
Oh, man. I do use fuck a lot, probably it and its various verb and adjective forms are my most-used word. But I love the raw power of "cunt", at least in America. It's just another word in England and elsewhere, but I've seen "cunt" awe a roomful of Americans to silence. What other word has that power? I am also fond of the English "bloody", obviously. But I'll still go with "cunt" as my all-out favorite. Like most Americans, even I will save it for special occasions.
- What sound or noise do you love?
A soft moan in my ear, or the growl of a very stoic man fighting the urge to scream in pain. I am also particular to remembering the "I love you" grunts of my old pet rabbit as he ran around me in circles, and the many many purrs and noises my musical cat made. Also, Coyote's squeals of surprise, Rude's small sighs of despair, and the soft growls Tiger makes, which earned him his LJ nickname.
- What sound or noise do you hate?
I love so much music, but I cannot abide screaming or atonal singing. I'll pass on Metal and some Punk and Industrial. Nine Inch Nails, though, mmmmmm. Mr. Reznor can make any sound and I'll purr.
- What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
I have these fantasies of getting my shit together someday. And when I do, I'll get an MFA and be some form of art professor. Then take my time getting a PhD in Psychology, because, man. I have so many curiosities about Psychology and Philosophy, but I can read Philosophy (slowly) on my own time. I'd really like to be trained in Psychology.
- What profession would you not like to do?
I was a receptionist briefly, I loathed it. There are so many jobs that involve talking to strangers on a daily basis, and I would be terrible at all of them. I've never worked a single day in retail. (I am known to sometimes shout that line along with Barenaked Ladies.)
- If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
"Thank you, for all the love you brought to the world and all of my creations whose suffering you eased. Here, I place this mark upon you and you may wander freely all over the multitude of Heavens and Hells, as well as Earth. Bring more hope to those who need it, I know you will not be a vengeful ghost while you're there."