Really, this morning has already been the best kind of surreal. Driving to work in snow-globe conditions. Chris & Meredith on the Coffee House (reminding me I really should make a few tapes of their CD's, it felt so good to be grinning from ear to ear on my way to work), and a sun shower. Snow and sun at the same time! Not sure if I've ever
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that assistant professors have to do now and then is work in
admissions, reading applicant folders with an actual
admissions officer. I enjoyed that (so the department made
me stop, in some stupid political war with the college of
arts and sciences, but never mind).
One pair of folders I got to read were Chris and Meredith's.
It's not as if they were going to be rejected, but the
admissions officer wanted to put them in the (large) pile of
people who would be perfectly fine at Cornell but that we
didn't exactly have to accept. Somehow the officer
thought that they were pretty much interchangeable; either
one would be just fine at Cornell, and would contribute
something to the community, and so there was no need for
both. I persuaded the officer that (1) their folk music
would be a very good thing and work well in Ithaca, and (2)
it was important to have both of them together.
I was pretty happy when they showed up.
I've heard them perform a few times, Falconridge and
Clearwater. They're good!
Wow, I'd love to be on the Clearwater. They wrote a fabulous song about it.
Can I tell them your story when next I see them?
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