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Apr 03, 2006 10:28

So today is when my Extremely Long Weekend truly starts. Even if I worked studiously on my various resumes and photo/graphic art samples, sent HR the big packet of "ask me back, Hasbro! Here's all the cool things I can do!" today, I still wouldn't be allowed to start 'til two weeks from now. They have an odd temp policy . . . I feel lucky to have managed 8 months instead of their official-for-temps 6.

All weekend I've been giddy, and this morning I'm positively bouncing. We may go to the zoo. We may get our taxes 100% done (the Fed ones took all of half an hour yesterday, thanks to free online goodness, but then we ran out of steam), we may go eat Japanese food . . . it just feels inexpressively wonderful to have time off together. Coyote's normal schedule gives him a Saturday every other week, but that always falls on a Hiddenflame Saturday. So we just have the morning together, since I haven't played that game in forever.

As for work, the impressive balance in the savings account aside, I'm not stressed. I'll give myself a few weeks to a month to find something graphic artsy/decent-sounding, then I can call up my office temp agencies and cheerfully tell them to send me to Soul-Breaking Banality. It may be a bit late for assistant positions for the wedding photographers . . . but that's a pretty shitty job, anyway. Even if I am more interested in the photo side of things right now.

The holy-shit position is open at Hasbro. One of their head photographers is leaving . . . I saw the posting and seriously thought about fudging a resume, filling it with pseudo-studios and listing good liars amongst my friends as the contacts for said studios. But I just don't know enough about commercial photography. Or studio photography, even. I've never used lightboxes and fill-in flashes. Really, my only applicable experience is shooting some of my mom's pieces. But that leaves me deficient in photo styling and lots of other aspects. Oh, well. Can't think of much better than taking pictures of toys all day. But really, I think I'd have a good time in just about any other department in Hasbro. Their business is playing, and they do so many more fun employee events than just the obligatory Xmas party.

I hope to make some more samples in this time off, and toss 'em on a basic website. I'm no longer much interested in web design (unless it's Flash-based), so it doesn't have to be fabulous. Just something less boring than the last version would do me fine. And my hoity-toity very upscale agency just sent me a letter announcing they're expanding more in my region. Definitely gonna send them an updated resume and a decent new sample or two very soon. Gods, if they could get me into that morally taxing company for a few months, I could take a year off. Or get us to Australia. Or both. That place pays even temps in riches. Being not-poor can definitely trump my morals, at least for a limited time.

I have a still-wrapped copy of Illustrator CS2 to play with, as well. Care of my brother, who's working at Adobe. Yeah, my parents had a kid at Adobe and a kid at Hasbro, for the past 8 months. Pride in both their kids at the same time must feel odd. :) And I have ponies to unpack and unwrap and play with. Including the GIANT MONSTER PONY!

Oh, Ezra, here is the link to the big giant pony. You still have today and tomorrow to use that free shipping, 25% off thing. Just scroll down a few entries to get the info.

ezra, work, my little pony, raytheon, portfolio, australia, zoo, hidden flame, hasbro

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