Dec 06, 2004 12:29
I have no idea if this is going to work, but hopefully people will think of my birthday party as the first party of the night- then they'll go off and celebrate New Year's at other people's houses. I've wanted to do this since I was a kid.
People would ask me when I was born, and they'd make a sound of sympathy when I told them. And I'd always answer, "But when I have my own apartment, I'll have huge wild parties every year, right on my birthday!" I haven't, yet, mostly due to laziness.
Also, it's entirely possible that only five people will show up, nibble some food, and head off to their more exciting parties. But I'll just go into this expecting that, and if more people show and they stay longer than five minutes, I'll be super-happy.
Now, what should I make? Yummy food, like Coyote made for me two birthdays ago. Tender steak, maybe cooked in the Japanese style: that's good cold. A double-layer birthday cake. Yellow with chocolate (or chocolate cream cheese) icing. Edemame, to go with the steak. Ooh, maybe we'll get a mat and try rolling some sushi! I know Wholefoods sells sushi-grade fish. Depends on how much money we have that week, I guess. I'll make yummy food but not fill up every bit of counter space: people may want to make things for me to eat, and I'm going to let them.
Very amusing, to get to be so deliciously narcissistic. I don't usually even bother telling people that I'm (this age) and (this large a fraction) these years. I usually am content to let other people throw me birthday parties (which they call NYE parties, because they're silly like that). But if I'm leaving America before my next birthday, I want to have one party where there are friends around. Plus, this'll give me motivation to finally fucking finish that endless room painting.
Anybody free next Sunday to help me in that endeavor? If we're finished before 5, I'll take everybody out for ice cream at Maximillian's, there are people I want to meet there, anyways.
I'm 28 and 340 365ths! Only 25 days 'til my birthday! Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!
ladysmith black mambazo,