(no subject)

Nov 08, 2004 07:02

I'm not looking forward to work tomorrow. And it isn't because the job is bad, or the kids are bad, it's just that 20 3rd graders is a bit more than I . . . or, I think, anyone . . . could handle at a time. I was supposed to have 8 to 10. I do love the kids, there just need to be less of them so I can get them more focused on the tasks at hand.

I have a meeting at 10 with the site supervisor from the other school. I really like both my supervisors.

Anyway, if you have free afternoons, are creative, and like kids, you should do what I'm doing. Be a Supplemental Education teacher for the Princeton Review.

Our job is to go into public schools in Providence and Central Falls and, well, have fun with kids for about two hours after their normal school day. We teach them basic skills they may be missing, but we do it in the funnest possible way we can think of. Like teaching Foreshadowing by talking about the "silvery orb" in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Like teaching about Rhyme Structure by putting Eminem and Avenue Q lyrics up on the board. (The hardest part of that lesson was finding clean, unoffensive lyrics from either of those sources.)

Well, those are the lessons that I plan, anyway. Some of my fellow teachers were more mundane, but the point is to tie the subject matter into the real world and to make it a hundred times more fun than anything they get in school. And if you remember how dull school was, you know that's pretty easy.

I never wanted to be a teacher because I never wanted to be an authoritarian. Or have a statewide curriculum that I had to follow to the letter, no deviation allowed.

So it doesn't even feel like I'm a teacher. I'm just someone who gets to have fun with kids weekday afternoons.

Oh yeah, and they pay $20/hour. $25/hour if you have a RI Teachers' Certification, but that's so not necessary. Experience with kids isn't even necessary: they'd prefer people who have a college degree, but even that isn't a strict requirement. Leave a comment and I'll get you in touch with the people who are doing the hiring.

avenue q, harry potter, kaplan, u2, eminem, work

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