(no subject)

Nov 05, 2004 22:27

I feel lame to be this tired at 10:27 but . . . meh, guess the "oh shit" factor is still draining me.

I should've written this a few days ago, but better late than never.

Coyote and I will be painting tomorrow (Saturday) and Sunday.

Tomorrow we'll be painting from morning 'til about dinnertime.

Sunday we'll be painting 'til our arms fall off.

I have to start by sanding every fucking thing. I kinda suck at sanding, but at least it won't be as much shit as last time.

Anyway, I'm just announcing it. If anyone wishes to show up and help, that would be cool. Otherwise, we'll finish this fucker ourselves.

I really, really hope it'll be all done by Sunday evening. Painting is so bloody boring.

Also, I did indeed find the switch I needed to turn fear into anger.

Turn your speakers on and click here. It's Chicken Soup for the Liberal Soul. Or at least, the Young Liberal Soul, and it isn't a smarmy book written by Christians.

america, eminem

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