Wow, that was magic. My toy room is magically sky blue. It is a really nice shade- I like it even more in daylight. Much love to Coyote,
ezrarashke, and
silentstephi who made it possible. Done? No. On its way to done? Thank the Gods, yes. Ceiling needs edging and one more coat, other walls need 3 or 4 more coats. But coats of blue and ceiling paint! We're all done with primer!
Yes, sanding is a bitch, and that's what I've got to be doing before any more blue can go down, but it finally feels like we're making progress.
My arms are achy, so I'll likely rest today, sand and paint tomorrow.
I'll get a call sometime today informing me if I start work on Thursday, Saturday, or next week.
The Victorian Dinner we went to last night wasn't all that Victorian- in fact, Coyote and I were the only ones who attempted to look like denizens of the nineteenth century. But I'm still glad we dressed up. I wore a bodice under my fancy ballgown-type dress for the first time, and for the first time, it fit right. I never understood before why it was made for mutant womyn who have breasts near shoulder height. I couldn't have worn the dress without the bodice, and I remember when that bodice could close. Definitely time to get rid of the living-with-a-great-cook-and-being-lazy flesh.
Last time I stepped on a scale, I was shocked to see I'd gained about 40 lbs since the time before. This is why I don't own scales. I don't need to know if this week I'm 5 lbs lighter than last week: weight doesn't matter to me. Being fit and having some older clothes fit me again, that would be sweet.
So sometime this week, I'm taking a measurement of my waist. I'll write it on the paper-calendar, and on the same day next month I'll measure it again. It might not work this month: I'll be inside and animating, but I'll also be biking to work at least twice a week. But the last time I did this (just exercising more and measuring my waist once a month) I lost four inches off my waist in four months. Which is good: slow is your friend in flesh-loss. Well, at least it's my friend.
Anyway, the "Victorian" dinner was really fun: the hostess cooked up a storm and most of her friends were oddballs like us. Coyote protested loudly when I started geeking with two people who had come dressed as characters from Warcraft who were also avid gamers. Soon, soon, I'll have Roundabout's top graphics done. And then I'll shout to the world about it, pass out cards and such.
No, I don't want 50 players. But having 50 people reading it- that would be sweet.
I do seriously need to think of caps. Maybe 5 strangers and 5 friends (and I really hope
melantha is one of those friends, otherwise I'll need to NPC her character soon) . . . so we currently have 9 players, I guess the total cap is 20. After that I'd need to assign another Narrator, at the very least. I'd prefer to stay the sole Storyteller- I've been in games with multiple STs, and when you need a rules call or a plot point, they'll have different interpretations. It's very frustrating, and I much prefer even the structure of Hiddenflame: a Head ST and an Assistant ST. So while it may look like they're equal in power, the buck stops at whatever the Head ST says. His word is Law and Right, and the arguments can end there.
The other thing is that I will never, ever join Roundabout to one of the massive networks of White Wolf LARP games, such as One World By Night or The Camarilla.
Hiddenflame is an OWBN game. Yes, there are advantages: it was pretty fun when 20 or so players from Virginia showed up at our game, and were able to come in as their characters and continue their plots and such. But I don't want to get into the seemingly endless arguments about how this game's rules are better than that game's, and my golden rule interpretations are unfair 'cause noone else does it and- fuck that. This game is my creation. The rest of America can apply to be players if they want, but they get to start as starting-level, and must conform to my munchkin-crippling rules. Min-maxers will just not have fun with me as an ST, they'd be better off staying away.
Happy Day of the Dead, everybody. I'm off to Roundabout. I really like saying that.