(no subject)

Oct 31, 2004 05:18

Insomnia's amusing when you have a very long list of things to do.

I finished Ernie. Took me forever to be happy with her, but I knew that my first would take a long time. It's been awhile since I did actual creative digital art. And believe it or not, I'm happiest about the button. I'm pretty comfortable drawing organic things, but inorganic? Fuggetaboutit. I snuck her into a scene she'd have little interest in, just so's I could see her avatar.

Speaking of inorganics, if I'm going to make any sense of Wyldchilde, I'm gonna have to drive the Photoshop bus. brynndragon has sent me links, but the words she wrote inbetween make no sense to me. I'm guessing she's imagining Wyldchilde with some parts off one motorcycle and some off another. But what parts are which is something I just can't conceive. I can rattle the parts of a horse's body off the top of my head, but . . . what's this about horse parts rattling off my head?

Maybe it is time for bed.

People are starting to buzz about NANOWRIMO. Yeah, I want to play along as an animator, but maybe I won't start 'til Nov. 7th. I have a first week of work and an Indigo Girls concert ahead of me. And by the time Amy & Ray strum their opening chord, we'll be still glowing at our brand-new President Kerry.

Unless the Elephants are still trumpeting "Recount, recount", which I fully expect the losers to do. :P

roundabout, work, mania, clannad, artist, brynndragon, indigo girls

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