Don't ask me what I'm doing up at 5. It might possibly have something to do with the fact that I'm getting a new snowboard today! Wheeeeee! Or it could also be my body not comprehending the fact that the Changeling game was two days ago. It's OK to sleep for more than a few hours at a time, body. I don't have tons of reading to do now. Sure, there's plenty of stuff we can be reading for next game (Wraith books, Celtic faerie tales, learning the common names of many many intercourse positions, Abenaki legends, Narragansett legends, local Ghost/Vampire stories, and much more.)
I really don't know if I'll ever be able to sit down and write up an account of everything that happened on Saturday. But holy shit that was fun. Right up there with that long-ago four-person Umbra game I mentioned before. That same vibe, but for a whole day.
You know, usually when I start a LARP, my main concern is getting a large group of players. Not so this time. I'm thinking about letting only 5 or 6 more in, tops. I doubt PP will be one of them. There are two emails from him sitting in my inbox, but I think I have to let them ripen for a few more days before I'll be chill enough to see what he has to say.
So let me give you some highlights to tell
crownofspoons, Curly,
catling, Faerie,
seeliefey and the few other people I'd really love to have as players what they missed.
DISCLAIMER: Though some of the players were pretending to be faeries far below the age of consent, this game was played by adults only. Our imaginations may be warped, yes, but I promise that absolutely no horse-tailed True Satyrs were shoving their actual rubbery footlong erections into the mouths of young girls. Read no further if that image disturbs you.
- A mortal passerby suddenly undergoes her Chrysalis. The hordes of Chimera interested in lapping up the tasty extra Glamour are whacked and chopped by the ferocious Redcap, delightedly run over by the Troll and her sentient motorcycle, and slashed/shot/gored by the gigantic centaurs and the griffin.
- A game of Harley (Hurley?), an anything-goes sort of game which involved an old Satyr stealing a victory kiss from a Troll, a Sluagh showing her prowess with a length of chain, and several fae grabbing the ball only to be picked up by a stronger fae and hurtled across the goal line.
- A singing contest which a not-long-dead Wraith Embodied to join. She Keened so that everybody did the Time Warp again.
- Two wild orgies, the first led by Dionysus himself and his horde of consorts. And that's where two young fae played Doctor and one got to swallow a great load of golden mead-like True Satyr cum. Oh, and the Sluagh enjoyed fucking a Satyr so much that she almost screamed aloud.
- That same Satyr, a re-Embodied Wraith, and a hot tub. Need I say more? Oh, whoops- you can't exactly warn your partner that you're about to disEmbody. Lucky there are experienced old Satyrs around, or there'd be a swath of raped Chimera from here to Neverwhere.
- And speaking of tubs, what would any self-respecting Unseelie Satyr do when he finds two cute little girl-changelings, playing Doctor yet again? Take pictures, get them to do suggestive things to each other in the tub, and Tip O' The Tongue their memories away.
- When Pirates attack, take a tip from our Redcap. Throw one into a bunch of others on the gangplank. They might not all bowl over, but they'll briefly turn pin-shaped as they wobble back into balance. It's a pretty funny sight.
- An Eshu is not a great mentor to a confused newly-awakened fae. Neither is an emerald-eyed cat, pretty as he is.
- If the rug starts singing to you and it just won't stop, it's time to learn your multiplication table.
There are so many more, but I can't share them all. Including my most evil moment of the game. I remember telling people beforehand that I didn't know how long the game would go to, but they never last 'til midnight.
Suddenly all my players are slumped on each other, cuddling happily but worn out. Wha-? Oh, it's 12:30. No way! Where did the day go?
Well, it certainly won't be a one-shot. I can't imagine playing only twice a year. I think it'll be a seasonal game. So I have only a week or two of rest before I have to start prep for the Winter game. Dunno a date yet, but it'll probably be January or February.
Oh, and I have to name this chronicle ASAP. I'll go looking today for words that talk about the wheel of the seasons. Or I'll invent my own. But I promise,
silentstephi, I'll have the name before sunset tonight.
brynndragon, I need Iarann's player's email addy, ASAP so that he can be on the yahoogroup right from the get-go. Email it to me, please.
I did just what I said I'd do all day yesterday: glow in the memories of Saturday's game. Le Sigh.