Title: A Heart That Knows Pairing: Onew/Jessica # of words: 3185 Summary: Jung Jessica has always been, and will always be, the girl who doesn't know what love is. Notes: there's part two. and this was on my folder for far too long. ______________ ( click for the link! )
Title: It Only Takes One Call Pairing: SHINee Onew/ SNSD Jessica Genre: Romance # of Words: 3812 Summary: Jinki's been busy but he knows how to make his weary life okay. Notes: Based by Jinki's "fainting" accident on Star King. Well he didn't really faint but you know what I mean. But IDK how it went afterwards. I forgot why I even started to write this
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Title: Push and Pull Pairing: Minho/Krystal, Jessica Genre: Romance, Angst (?) # of words: 573 Summary: Krystal tries to hide her relationship with Minho from her sister Jessica, who strongly defies it. (Meh, suck at summaries). Chapter: 01| 02 _______
Title: Push and Pull Pairing: Minho/Krystal, Jessica Genre: Romance, Angst (?) # of words: 313 Summary: Krystal tries to hide her relationship with Minho from her sister Jessica, who strongly defies it. (Meh, suck at summaries).
Title: Chicken Impossible Pairing: Onew/Jessica, Onchicken! Genre: Humor, Romance, Drama, Crack # of words: 1709 Notes: It's obvious I have problems because now, I wrote a fic about a girl getting jealous over a chicken. Enjoy this very much crack fic. _________
Title: It Only Takes One Call Pairing: SHINee Onew/ SNSD Jessica Genre: Romance # of Words: 2168 Notes: Inspired by this photo and this. You know how a special someone just calls you and you just smile and every stupid thing from your life just becomes better -- a whole lot better because of that. Well, this is what I think it's like between these two
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Title: A Secret They Only Know Pairing: Jonghyun and Sekyung Genre: Romance # of Words: 1720 Summary: What was the real deal between the most scandalous couple of 2010? Notes: Screw the JongKyung antis. They're cute and adorable.
Title: The Moon's Shadow Pairing: SHINee Onew/ SNSD Jessica, Onsica Genre: Fluff. Romance? Rated: G Plot: Maybe all she needed is him. Chapter: 01 _______ ( pure moonlight )