Oct 28, 2007 20:51
Words were exchanged between Melissa and I, but I can't say that I have any recollection of them.
Numb doesn't properly describe how I feel. I can't tell if I'm drunk, or sober; if I'm wired or overly-tired.
I heard all of the demons coming back once again, but not remembering how the first wave of them died, it was like they never left.
All that I can remmeber about the fight was what I didn't want to remmeber, relive or continuously envision apparently after the fact; I could only see Samantha being cut down by a sword not five feet from me, with me being able to do nothing about it. I could only repeeatedly hear her scream and see the look on her face; a look that told me goodbye in her eyes without words. To make it worse and more numbing was the fact that Graham died not five minutes later and at that point, I had lost rationalism and strategism which if I had, I might have used to work together with him so that we both survived.
Not to diminish what my frinedship with Graham meant, but after Samantah was gone and after I knew it, nothing else mattered.
When the demons had come back around for the apparent second wave of fighting, while I stood in the midst of dead slayers and my unit, and while Melissa tried to console me with words that I couldn't even tell you what they were now, fifteen or so minutes later, I stared at Graham, briefly, reasoning that this would be the last time that I saw him, I picked Samantha up and carried her away, her lifeless body talking to me and making more sense then the surroundings or Melissa did.
The substance of what her body said to me only made me more numb, not that I epected anything less. I passed people gathering on the streets, bewildered, though I didn't care, nor did I hear them. I only saw their reactions to the violence on the street; the same violence that had taken my wife, my love from me. Police sirens riddled the area and I was carying a dead woman in my arms, but I didn't care if they stopped me.
I just walked, looking straight ahead with no particular destination in mind. Maybe I wanted a stray demon to come up from behind me and finish me off while Sam was in my arms.
Yeah, that sounds good to me.