Written for Day 29 of the
31_days October challenge. The prompt was "smell my feet"
"Gross," said Marshall, poking at one slime-encrusted sneaker with the tip of a pen and pulling away a long tendril of pungent-smelling green ooze.
"I think you're going to have to throw them away," said Simon.
Marshall sighed. They were his favourite pair, and with that in mind, it had been stupid to venture into the muddy shallows of the duck pond behind town hall while wearing them. Then again, his only pair of wellington boots had been destroyed by mud snakes, so perhaps it wouldn't have made a difference.
"At least we got to see the Thing in the Pond," he said sadly. In truth, the Thing in the Pond was the usual sub-aquatic mass of eyes, teeth and tentacles, feeding on crusts of stale bread and teenagers who threw rocks at the water fowl that lived there. Only the fact that it surfaced once every three years set it apart from any one of a dozen similar entities that made Eerie's waterways their home.
"I got some good pictures of Nick and Eddie," said Simon, laying out a row of Polaroids. "I'm pretty sure they're crying in some of these."
Marshall laughed.
Trusted Associates, Inc.
Halloween by
froodle, in which Mars and Simon celebrate a Von Orloff-free All Hallows Eve
Surprise by
froodle, in which Mars tries to make sure Simon's birthday goes a little better this year
The Glade by
froodle, in which Simon and Mars visit a place that only exists on February 29th
Egg Hunt by
froodle, in which Simon and Mars partake of some traditional Easter activities
Boardwalk by
froodle, in which Simon and Mars are swayed by radio advertising
Lady in Red by
froodle, in which Simon experiments on the old-fashioned radio in the Secret Spot, and horror ensues
Waiting In by
froodle, in which there is an ice-storm and a handyman does not arrive
Seafoam by
froodle, in which Simon and Marshall go to the seaside
A Night at the Circus by
froodle, in which a carnivale comes to town, and Marshall and Simon do not enjoy themselves
Taking a Break by
froodle, in which Simon and Marshall enjoy some much-needed R&R
Model Railway by
froodle, in which a new business prepares to open in Eerie
Shoreline by
froodle, in which Simon and Marshall investigate strange happenings on the shores of Lake Eerie
Parade by
froodle, in which Mars takes issue with the Eerie Beekeepers Association's choice of mascot
Homestead by
froodle, in which Marshall finally gets something useful out of shop class
Hound by
froodle, in which Simon makes a friend
Errands by
froodle, in which Simon has a to-do list
Slyboots by
froodle, in which a certain corporal of the infernal regions comes to Eerie. Crossover with Johannes Cabal the Necromancer.
Waterlogged by
froodle, in which Eerie experiences heavy rainfall
Festival by
froodle, in which Eerie's local businesses celebrate the summer
Strawberry by
froodle, in which there is unauthorised hubbub in Eerie
Wildlife by
froodle, in which Simon and Marshall go to the beach
Facilities by
froodle, in which the Eerie Bus Station and Supper Club has a problem with the men's toilet
Anticipation by
froodle, in which Simon and Harley look forward to the Equinox
Castle by
froodle, in which there is unexpected architecture in Eerie
Visitor in which Marshall's grandma comes to stay
Euclid by
froodle, in which Marshall and Simon investigate strange events at the Eerie Cemetery
The Hut by
froodle, in which Simon takes on the forces of Eerie solo