Miracles do happen!!

Aug 03, 2017 11:32

So the mechanic called today, and there was actual good news! *hearts*

The costs on the repair, even with labor and tax, came in $500 less than estimated! I'm SO HAPPY.

Also he's finished and ready to be picked up anytime. (I'm so glad. I missed Silver so, so much.)

With the donations that came in today, that means that I'm only about $600 shy of what I need, rather than an entire thousand. That means that if enough people can donate today/tomorrow, I can have my Jeep back on monday and get back to my life. (And dealing with the whole finding another job issue, but that's it's own special stress, lol.)

Thanks to everyone who's helped so far. If you're on the fence about helping, please do! Even a fiver helps.

if you prefer not to use gofundme, you can paypal me: paypal.me/eeriansadow
the gofundme is here: https://www.gofundme.com/jenis-emergency-car-repairs

this originally came from my Dreamwidth account! http://eerian-sadow.dreamwidth.org/

help please, car troubles

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