Jul 28, 2017 16:21

Or: Life comes at you fast, hard and usually with a baseball bat.

I haven't talked about much thats going on in my life lately (not here, anyway), because it's been just stupidly stressful and I haven't wanted to deal with it. And some things I haven't wanted to put into words, or couldn't because I've been hamstrung by my company's media policy.

BUT. No one from my store reads this journal so I'm going to say it here so that I can get it off my chest.

My store is closing. After October 28, I will either be working at a different location, working for a different company or "enjoying" my 6 week's worth of severance pay. It's stupidly stressful, and it's making most all of us snappish and angry all the time.


My Jeep has been in the shop for two weeks and is going to cost a little over $3,000 to repair. It's the engine and I'm in pretty dire straits as far as getting the money goes. (Part time, retail slave, let me sing the lament of my people.) This is also stressful and I am super cranky and anxious and it's just not helping anything. Also, I'm not sure how I'm getting to work from one day to the next until I get it fixed.

It's as awful as you imagine.

I've got a gofundme set up for the repairs here: https://www.gofundme.com/jenis-emergency-car-repairs

I'd really, really, really, really, really, really appreciate any help you can give me for getting things fixed. If you can't donate, sharing the link will also be a huge help.

If you don't want to use gofundme but want to help, you can paypal me at paypal.me/eeriansadow

And man. I need another vacation after this. I'm just DONE.

this originally came from my Dreamwidth account! http://eerian-sadow.dreamwidth.org/

whining, help please, work, day job sucks, car troubles

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