Apr 27, 2006 02:57
Well, right now, I need a break from all this continental drift/plate tectonic theory, so I figured I'd update. However, there isn't much to say. I do feel rather indifferent to school right now because I think that this has been the longest semester of my life. The reason I feel this way is that I am taking nothing but required classes and I have to do well so that I can boost my GPA up 0.02 points so that I can apply to the College of Education. Also another thing that has made this semester seem to drag is that I found out that I'll be in school until May 2008. All because of that Richard W. Riley and his College of Education. I have a few complaints.
1) I can't take more than 1 EDUC course in a given semester. (With the exception of EDUC 275, but that's a technology integration course and it's not like any of the other EDUC courses.)
2) I can't do my field experience (where I go to a high school English class 2 days a week) in the Spring. It's only offered during the Fall semester.
3) I have to do 25 hours of "youth work." Not just any youth work, but youth work in my age range for my field, which is secondary or high school level, and it has to be in an academic setting. This is to supposedly confirm whether or not I want to actually work with high schoolers. Well, truth be told, I don't want to work with high schoolers, or middle or elementary schoolers for that matter. I just want to get my Master's Degree and teach at a community college somewhere and have an easy life. Anyway, this youth work, for me, is bollocks and unnecessary. Plus, this 25 hours is in addition to the copious amounts of hours I already have to put in for observations that are required for various EDUC courses before any 300 level EDUC courses.
I guess my biggest complaint is that there are sooooooo many hoops to jump through to become a teacher. But, I guess they don't want just anybody teaching kids.
Anyway, the semester if finally at its end and, with any discipline on my part, I should be posting more often after finals are over. As for now, I gotta get back to pulling my all-nighter.
-Later Dayz