Sep 08, 2005 17:50
My brain's weird
I love Thursdays., I'm free by 10 am to do what I please. Of course this Thursday I went and took 2 hours worth of HESI placement tests for the nursing department, where I found I did worst on the subjects I took most recently and had the best grades in, and best in shit I prayed to pass. I got a 48 on A&P (took that last semester and got an A) and a 98 on Chemistry (took that first semester and got a B-,) wtf? At least these tests don't count toward anything...
I'd like to buy a consonant
Learning medical terminology in the south might not have been the smartest move I've ever made. My health assessment teacher seems like a very kind sarcastic no-nonsense teacher which I highly respect. But she's spent her whole life in the DEEP south and has that kinda accent where the consonants jus kyna sly way ina nuttinness and it bugs the crap out of me cuz she doesn't write the shit down anywhere. It took far too long for me to realize "feel pulser ey" was actually "fetal pulse rate." And since a fair amount of this new terminology is as foreign to me as most langauges this might be a long class.
My dad lives
My dad's alive. It was strange - I forgot I gave him a special ring so when my phone went off I had no idea it was mine. He called right as chamber choir was going to start - from the beach. Seems like every time he randomly pops after a long stretch of silence he's at the beach, lucky guy. I yelled at him to contact me more or make it possible for me to get a hold of him - maybe he'll listen. I should be fair though, I've lost my cell phone more times than I can count. Like father like daughter I guess.
the creators