boys still sick. i keep feeling on the edge of sickness but i have been that way for 5 days now so i am hoping that the edge is where i will stay until things stabilize. p's mom has the flu now. and she even got the shot. and
kiitos may have it too. my dad has a regular cold. it seems like half my world is sick right now.
i have been stuck inside since saturday and i don't really mind. it has been sooooo cold outside. yesterday was brutal. i just took king out for a walk now and it wasn't half bad. i thought about doing a 2 block loop as his excersizing has been neglected lately but i thought i shouldn't push it what with me being on the edge.
august has more of a fever today but we stopped giving him tylenol and motrin. he is doing ok with it. just super cuddly and mopey. we take him to the doctor again tomorrow for a follow-up visit with our regular pediatrician who is also my mom's best friend.
i must go now and try to not get infected.