The spectre of Tokyo Game Show approaches. Haven't caught the flu yet, though there are still a few days before I have to actually work the show. We had a two hour meeting this morning with the American and European branches--of course that would be the say that the Keio Line is running 90 minutes late... Sure, since work starts late for us, it means we can get there later, but still, it meant I was like 20 minutes late instead of 2 (since I would have missed the train I needed anyway). Anyway, during that time (and that meeting) I was able to finish my "Code Geass is over bawww" fic (which, in true Erin fashion, is not particularly serious (or good) at all). Someday I may even type it up.
Then, at work I dicked around some more for a while and still ended up on schedule--bitchy or not, I do enjoy having things to translate. I should end up a bit early, too, I think. With that the case, perhaps taking off Friday for TGS shouldn't be a problem...
Then, after a leisurely trip home (read: shop 99 is a lot farther from my house than I remembered), I finally buckled down (hurr hurr) and fixed the buckle on my shoe.
Yeah, remember when I mentioned buying those mary janes from that maid store? And how they came but unlike every other 27 on the planet, they were like a centimeter too big? And so I wanted to return them but they took forever to write back? So anyway, I finally got the smaller size! And they fit (with room to spare, but ehh)! And so I put them on and left the house to go to Oktoberfest in Yokohama Saturday night, when I realized that my socks were gonna slip and piss me off the whole night, so I ran back in to change them and attempt to only be a LITTLE late. At this point, not only does my doorknob fall off in my hand(!) but as I slip out of the shoes, the buckle rips right out of the shoe. Augh, my shoes that I originally ordered in like JULY...
So, I thought about sending them back AGAIN to get fixed, but instead found my trusty (read: never used) sewing kit and decided it was operating time. And then instead I sat around and watched Gundam and fangirled out. But TODAY! Today I accepted that challenge. AND DEFEATED IT. And took pictures!
See, it is a fake buckle, to my chagrin--I like to keep my shoes a kinda tight. Then again, in Japan, you are always taking off your shoes, so a slip-on like this can be nice. Unfortunately, I pulled too hard, and the buckle ripped right out of its socket...
So, me and the sharpest needle in the world (on the wrong side--ouch!) got to work! And I learned that I kinda need an overhead light, especially when trying to match holes when putting black thread into black fabric... Still, a few minutes later...
Yeah! Now, I can't decide if I can continue to be productive or not. I am already pushing it thus far today. Can I not only wash my dishes but go to bed at a reasonable time??? Only the Shadow knows... uhh, yeah, idk