I've been getting headaches again, and I don't know if it's stress or caffeine-related, but either way it's stressing me out. Feeling really tired again, in a "fuck this, I'm going home" sort of way. Oddly enough, I don't really know why this is coming back--I just came off a vacation (sorry, Janet), I feel zen with work--officially on a new project from the 1st, not too much downtime (though they want me to interpret for the press which sortof makes me want to projectile vomit), woke up and did exercise, my swollen foot finally became unswollen (thank goodness; I enjoy being able to fit inside my shoes), I finally heard back from both the guys who forgot a part of my order for fancy shea butter and the maid shoe guy, got to see
dilettantka, I finished my Japanese report for work, justified(? kept from idling) my existences in CFUD for another month and am even going to get glorious fried shrimp tomorrow with coworker friends. So yeah, good stuff is happening! Later I will put up pictures from my trip to Ise with Janet (PS, you need to send me the pix you've got :3) and the 4chan thread about Schneizel and Kanon's hat. For now I guess I will go home and waste time there instead of wasting time here.
PS: so, I am thinking that I should try to be creative despite not being particularly good at it. And since Eda has a table at Gundam Zenkoku (or something, I dunno) I thought hey, why not make a book for it? I mean, other than the lack of any idea of what to do and the general lack of interest in 00 and the fact I can't really write in English much less Japanese and how I sortof forgot to draw. (But I did find the inking pens I bought at AX in a box of feminine products! ...Yeah, I don't really understand that one either.) So yeah, doing something for that or signing up for Comic City Spark and attempting to make a Rolo book would be a Bad Idea, right? but if not, anyone with any ideas for what to actually draw.......uhh, let me know
Ahh, to be 18 again! ...Actually, scratch that, 18 sucked. But sophomore year of college, that was good times. Friends! The illusion of talent! Someone else to clean my bathroom! Those were the days...