Boy children. Hrmph.

Jan 24, 2009 20:49

I don't think I've ever mentioned it here, but James has become very standoffish toward me in the last couple of years. I mean, he's always been Daddy's boy, but I felt like he and I were just not very close at all. And now he's getting to that age. He always dodges when I try to hug him. But Jimmy said just keep at it, don't be discouraged, because if you don't get back in now you probably won't get back in. And James has a rotten relationship with Ericka, they're always fighting. So he suggested that I make a determined effort to tame the wild James.

So, over the past several weekends, I have been doing that. Grabbing him and hugging him while he squirms to escape ...

Well. Almost every time they are here, I have a big tickle party with the girls at some point, and if James happens in on it, he will run for his life. Today, he jumped on the bed and joined in. And, when the girls got bored and went elsewhere, he stayed.


It went a long way toward making up for yesterday.

love, james

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