Failure is not an option.

Dec 02, 2008 13:47

It seems that yesterday's pasta gave my sister epic gas. I made the vegetarian fart: yay me! Strangely enough, I am fine.

Except for this pie, which is just languishing here. The problem is the apple pie: I used too much sugar, and it is sweeter than my family's preference. I know what you're thinking: it's dessert, how bad could it be? But the real problem is that I kept a whole pumpkin and a whole apple pie here because I thought Jimmy would want to give some to the kids this weekend, but he never did. So we have A LOT of pie here, and it's lasted longer than any post-Thanksgiving pie I can remember. I'm sure that the ones I left at my sister's have vanished by now, but she has a Nora there. I guess it's up to me to have a large slice of each for breakfast. I mean, I think I would die of shame if something I baked went bad under this roof.

Speaking of bad: I made a bad call when I decided to read T Is For Trespass by Sue Grafton. I've read all her other Kinsey Millhone mysteries, but this one had an elder abuse plotline, which was, as you can imagine, completely lacking in entertainment value for me. In fact, it gave me a stomach ache. Which can hopefully be cured by pie. And wedding programming on TiVo.

Also, what is it with me only being able to sleep for about six hours max, when I sleep during the day? This shit is getting old fast.

seasonal nestiness, food, book, when come back bring pie, kitchen experiment

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