Oct 25, 2006 09:45
Because we haven't been able to spring Jimmy's car from the shop, I had to get up at 6:00 a.m. this morning to drive him to his boss' house - they're doing a trade show today. This meant getting the kids in the car, too, because we couldn't leave them here alone. And then hastening to get back here at about 7:30 a.m., and get everyone straight in the shower, dressed, fed, and to school. (James is going back to school today on an experimental basis).
I waited until we got back from dropping James and Rachel off to give Selah breakfast because she eats sooooo slooooow. She ate about three bites before she fell asleep sitting up at the table.
She's bundled up on Rachel's bed right now, because when I carried her upstairs to lay her down, I saw something I didn't notice when I got her up so early it was still dark: she barfed in her bed last night. And there's some on the floor. Anyone got any bright ideas about getting dried barf out of carpet?