Mar 03, 2007 11:01
Everyone knows that in order to be successful in college, certain things need to be done. Some of these include:
*Getting adequate amounts of leep.
*Going to class and taking notes.
*Not OD'ing on blow at your fraternity date function.
But here, i think it's time that we salute some of the lesser known tools for academic superiority, things like:
*Ignoring the test you have in an hour to update your LJ.
*Being so easily distracted/bored that studying seems like the hardest thing you could ever hope to do.
* on that later)
So, Spring break is upon the good folks at Florida State University, and rather than hit the beach for a couple days of drinking and getting Mutumbo(men and women of my complexion don't get tan, we get Mutumbo, as in Dikembe, as in dark as hell), i'm sitting here in tally. I don't have anything to do, Spring Break '06 caught me with my pants down. That's never fun.
There's a general sense of worry in the OT camp about next year and what will take place.(A good 95% of the group is not gonna be here due to graduation, transfer, or general done-with-this-shit-itis. Now you're caught up) There's a decent amount of worry that the people who are left aren't gonna do anything, because we aren't doing anything proactive right now. Yes, myself included.
Here is my opinion:
I'm going to do whatever i can to keep the group up and running, and have no problem teaching, booking, whatever. BUT, i refuse to make this group my number one priority again.
Hm. That sounds harsh, let me elaborate.
Last year, i put in a LOT of work to OT. *ECON TERM TIME* My opportunity cost for this time put in was giving up on schoolwork. I'm not going to do that again. Next April, i'm getting a piece of paper and getting the hell out of town. Nothing is more important than that goal. NOTHING. That's all i have to say about that.
Although i'm not catholic by any means, i gave up facebook for lent this year. The ridiculosity of it all is that it hasn't been hard. AT ALL. kinda scary.
I want to start saving cash from every check i get, so i can be able to do some fun stuff or buy some clothes and shit sometime. I'm living check-to-check like Andre 3000 lives by the beat(listen to Elevators, you herbs).
We beat Duke in basketball! I was in the Nole Zone(our shittier version of Orange Krush) and we stormed the court. Twice. Why? because we're
FSU: technicalities like the game not really being over are for bitches.
My dear sweet Maisy didn't have the same fun tho, she hurt her foot bad bad, and i'll be damned if i didn't help her. A visit with Dr.(Nurse) Payne, crutch assembly in a parking lot, and a conversation with the lovely Sheena made for a very interesting, but hilarious experience. I'd gladly do it again.
And now, i'm off to take a test, and then begin spring break. if you're in tally-ho, hit that hotline.
This rambling mess has been the BDLJP. THIS rambling mess has been Ernest Wilkins. Chuuch.