Aug 05, 2006 22:55
[Corporeal Existence] is the state of existing in a physically definable form within the confines of the dimensions of Space, and often of Time as well. This concept is often assumed to be the defacto rule of existence for all sentient beings in existence.
While this may seem to be true to many forms of sentient life that exist within the confines of [SpaceTime], it is neither a rule nor as common as it would seem. While many sentient lifeforms seem to have corporeal properties, these are in fact merely the subsequences of the main feature of intrinsic self-awareness that is at the core of existence for all virtually all corporeal beings in the Omniverse.
Where this rule breaks down is that these intrinsic fields often only maintain corporeal integrity in the face of other similarly affected corporeal beings; in the absense of this synchronicity of intrinsic corporeal forms, there is the possibility of confluence.
Many sentient lifeforms in the Omniverse in fact exist entirely in confluence with other sentient forms. As well, many sentient forms in the Omniverse, which exist in confluence with one of more layer or dimension of reality, and often in confluence with nominally corporeal beings, are in fact responsible (or perhaps more accurately 'resonant') for many of the emotions, inspirations and sensations sentient beings experience when confronted with events or concepts that are not constant for them.
Often, concepts such as Synchronicity and Coincidence are in fact merely the results of corporeal beings finding themselves temporarily (and unknowingly) existing confluently with a singular or synchronous grouping of non-corporeal beings who carry within them seeds of whatever emotional or inspirational catalyst causes such similar events.
Ultimately, corporeal existence isn't so much a de facto reality as it is a consensus reality, which is only upheld by others of your kind. This is done as much out of a misguided perception that one must preserve their personal integrity as it is an intrinsic necessity to prevent physical corruptions, and is almost entirely predicated on willpower to maintain one's intrinsic field as a virtually closed system. As explained above however, this is entirely a fiction, and persists
(That should be enough esoterica for one day, don't you think?)
© 2006 Lee Edward McIlmoyle
LinkMedia Games
[this article is still subject to review], and may never pass, due to its virtual indecipherability. However, I'm bloody serious. This is the core of the Link philosophy. The Interconnectedness of All Things, in practical, reasonable terms. And no, I am not stoned. :D