pigs, struttin around with their wire eyes, shootin voodoo into my noodle..

May 11, 2004 12:08

in the mornings, i've become more and more confused as to what the horrible noise is coming from my alarm. i'll stare at it, knowing there something i should be doing or something i should know... but i can't figure it out. thus, why i've been getting up a half hour later than i should be.

last night, i ate dinner with austin, melissa, and anna at the drake diner. we went to the best place ever. austin and i went halves on a copy of kill bill that they were selling. we went home and cleaned. i took anna to do her laundry and we bought a new broom. then austin and i went on a bike ride. we rode around, and ended up at hairy marys, where we found nate, randi, same, rob, vinny, and jay. we sat and drank a beer. rock.

okay, so fred phelps, reverend and owner of www.godhatesfags.com is coming to des moines to protest the gay student from roosevelt high school who is recieving the matthew sheppard award, an award given to a gay high school student ever year. so we want to show the student that he is supported in his lifestyle and show fred phelps that he is a piece of shit. so we are staging a counter-demonstration. i expect everyone to show up.
it's saturday, may 22, knapp center on drake campus, 7pm. be there!
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