An article from the Guardian caught my eye... again... I found it to be very funny...
It begins as such: "It has come to my attention, via a small but seemingly quite flourishing eddy of publishing, that French women are creatures to be emulated."
Now, I wasn't aware that, as a French woman, I was perceived as such when I went abroad. So really makes you wonder what percentage of the female French population this concerns. The author of the article makes a point of pointing that out:
"I don't even know where to start with that, but at random, let's start here: can you imagine what De Beauvoir would have said about being called a girl? About be ing included in a book whose next chapter explains why it's important to buy your walking shoes in Prada, because you can never be too well dressed? About being name-checked by a person who doesn't just not know the meaning of the word existentialist, but can't even be arsed to look it up before committing it to a paperback? Can you imagine? She would have had a cow."
Oh, I bet she would have!
On a more serious note:
"But more than the childish weight obsession, this discourse both reveals and keeps alive a way of talking about women that should have been dispatched by now. Just as a lot of subtle racism slipped in under the guise of anthropology in old-school National Geographics, so a lot of misogyny slips in under the obfuscating, colourful gauze of Studies in French Etiquette."
Full article can be found
I had no idea French women were portrayed as such in diet books!
I'd dwell on it a bit more if I didn't have to go to class.