Title: Coalescence
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Spoilers: Through episode 40 (disc eight)
Synopsis: Quatre has a very close relationship with Sandrock
Word count: 673
Rating: G
Note: Yes, I know it doesn't actually happen that way; consider it an AU.
Coalescence )
Hey, didn't I friend you in the first place because of your X-Men Crack Van post? Maybe Crack Van needs an intro post to Gundam Wing! (Written by you, I mean; I don't know the fandom, as opposed to the show, at all.)
Yes, I would love recs. I took a look around and... wow... even worse than usual, just going by the many many first paragraphs I read and then got no farther. So yes, I already encountered and was greatly disturbed by Saint Duo and weeping angel Quatre. Often with song lyrics.
I am sad that there is little on Quatre, because I love him. Last night I was re-watching disc two with yhlee, and watched her face when we got to the bit where he casually remarks to Rashid that the soul of outer space told him something.
yhlee: "...What? WHAT. No! Don't tell me he's crazy too!"
Me: Bwa-ha-ha!
But as I bitched about above, I have yet to find any fic which focuses on why I think Quatre is cool, which is the way that he seems so sweet and gentle, and really is so sweet and gentle, and yet he's also a deadly scary ( ... )
The big damn gen epic for GW is "Sainan No Kekka", which has everyone. I don't think I ever finished it; I should do that. There is a bit of Heero/Relena I think, and Duo/Hilde? But not much. I remember liking Trowa's characterisation, also I think there is a fair bit of Une. Post-series, spoilers for everything. http://www.midnightrevolution.org/gundam/index2.html
There's a lot of old recs here, http://gundamwing.fanworkrecs.com/main.htm though it's not updated anymore.
There is a Quatre recs site here, which I have not really looked through: http://dryerspace.fanworkrecs.com/apq/index.html
And. Now I am tired. I hope you like some of these at least!
HOW... um, never mind, I probably don't want to know!
Thank you very much for the tons of recs! I shall enjoy going through them.
You know, I probably will write more in this fandom. I was talking just the other day about how much I like writing crazy suicidal characters.
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