Title: Coalescence
Fandom: Gundam Wing
Spoilers: Through episode 40 (disc eight)
Synopsis: Quatre has a very close relationship with Sandrock
Word count: 673
Rating: G
Note: Yes, I know it doesn't actually happen that way; consider it an AU.
Coalescence )
Hey, didn't I friend you in the first place because of your X-Men Crack Van post? Maybe Crack Van needs an intro post to Gundam Wing! (Written by you, I mean; I don't know the fandom, as opposed to the show, at all.)
Yes, I would love recs. I took a look around and... wow... even worse than usual, just going by the many many first paragraphs I read and then got no farther. So yes, I already encountered and was greatly disturbed by Saint Duo and weeping angel Quatre. Often with song lyrics.
I am sad that there is little on Quatre, because I love him. Last night I was re-watching disc two with yhlee, and watched her face when we got to the bit where he casually remarks to Rashid that the soul of outer space told him something.
yhlee: "...What? WHAT. No! Don't tell me he's crazy too!"
Me: Bwa-ha-ha!
But as I bitched about above, I have yet to find any fic which focuses on why I think Quatre is cool, which is the way that he seems so sweet and gentle, and really is so sweet and gentle, and yet he's also a deadly scary warrior with vast reserves of psychotic murderous insanity lurking below that pretty surface. The way he turns on a dime from, "Please don't make me kill you, I'd rather not" to "DIE!" The way he gives Duo meaningful looks of sarcasm when Heero is being emo!
And his vague psychic powers! And that he talks to his Gundam and the soul of outer space, and that they seem to talk back, and that as of disc nine, which is where I am now, I'm still not sure whether this is insanity or objective reality!
So yes. Rec me, please! I love all the pilots and their Gundams, and also Une and Sally Po. Not so big on Zechs, Treize, or Relena. I'd prefer gen, if such a thing exists, but pairings and sex are fine as long as their execution doesn't make my eyes bleed.
There is not a great deal of the sort of Quatre you like -- I would love it if there was, because that's the Quatre I want to read about.
I seriously do not think I have ever read even one story about Une. Wait, there was an Une/Duo by arsenic jade, I think. I can't remember what it was like. I googled it, and it is here: http://www.mediageek.ca/arsenicjade/misc.html. Let me know!
As for the gundams, some of these stories have Zero in them, but it's a spoiler so I won't tell you which ones. Also, I read one where Heero has sex with Zero once, but you can google at your own risk on that one, frankly.
Please forgive my being too lazy to do the links in proper html.
"Shades of Light" by the Space Pirate Ryoko (Quatre/Heero, Quatre/Trowa, Heero/Trowa. sort of.). Post-series, but I don't think any spoilers: http://www.geocities.com/pirate_ryoko/Shades_of_Light.html
Torch wrote a few excellent stories, mostly about Trowa, in-series. http://www.strangeplaces.net/torch/gwstories.html
Maldoror. In particular her long stories, "The Arrangement" (Heero/Wufei, during and after the series) and "Freeport" (Wufei/Duo, post-war): http://gwaddiction.com/Maldoror.shtml. She does Quatre nicely when he shows up at all. "The Source of All Things" is an unfinished AU, which is sad because it has some fantastic Quatre stuff later on. Her Duo/Heero stories are perhaps not as good, but I really like them. Because they have Heero in them. um.
Sol also writes some good stories. "Nothing Like the Sun" is Quatre focused, various pairings but sort of gennish. "Drums of Heaven" is very long and plotty (Duo/Heero eventually, some Trowa, hardly any Quatre). I think it was her first story, and I haven't read it a while, but I remember enjoying it very much. http://gwaddiction.com/Sol.shtml
"When We Were Young" is Quatre/Trowa as well, but I haven't read it.
"Hands" by Oedipus Tex. Post-war Heero gen. Almost sufficiently crazy Heero! Outsider POV: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2664123/1/
"The Quatre Winner Affair" by Windsor, which is a WIP so I probably shouldn't even torment you, but it is so much fun so far, and I really love this Quatre (eventually Quatre/Trowa, Quatre-centric, post war): http://dryerspace.fanworkrecs.com/gundaniumline/windsor/the_quatre_winner_affair_01.html
"So This Is the New Year" by downjune is one I read recently, Quatre/Heero (slightly crazy Quatre, improbably sane Heero, post-war): Part 1: http://downjune.livejournal.com/8245.html, Part 2: http://downjune.livejournal.com/8492.html, Part 3: http://downjune.livejournal.com/8892.html.
"The Dos and Don'ts of Oz Interrogations (Or, 'Buggery Isn't the Only Option')" by no_utopia: http://no-utopia.livejournal.com/32720.html
(You may not have read enough fic yet to find this hilarious. Gen. sort of. Not really. But the only story in which I have ever liked Treize.)
Jei's novels (all Heero/Duo post-war) (I don't like her short stories especially, but her novels are full of action and hijinx! Heero is mostly sane, which is a shame, but excellent apart from that).
"Axiomatic" (Heero-centric): http://gwyaoi.org/challenge/2004/entries/axiomatic.php
(alt-url: http://www.mizunoamy.bravepages.com/jei/axiomatic.html)
Sequel to the above, "Additive Identity", which I like better for spoilery reasons: http://www.gwyaoi.org/novella/2006NovellaChallenge/StoryEntries/50K_Jei_AdditiveIdentity.php (Alt url: http://www.mizunoamy.bravepages.com/jei/additiveid.html)
Also, "Touch the World" http://www.mizunoamy.bravepages.com/jei/touch_world.html.
"Nexus" by Tori Sakana, gen, Heero & Zero-centric, post-series. http://www.fanfiction.net/s/1251940/1/Nexus
"Delay of Game" by lukon_idein, Trowa/Heero, very fluffy but funny: http://lukon-idein.livejournal.com/13434.html
And apparently this is too long for one comment, Jesus.
The big damn gen epic for GW is "Sainan No Kekka", which has everyone. I don't think I ever finished it; I should do that. There is a bit of Heero/Relena I think, and Duo/Hilde? But not much. I remember liking Trowa's characterisation, also I think there is a fair bit of Une. Post-series, spoilers for everything. http://www.midnightrevolution.org/gundam/index2.html
There's a lot of old recs here, http://gundamwing.fanworkrecs.com/main.htm though it's not updated anymore.
There is a Quatre recs site here, which I have not really looked through: http://dryerspace.fanworkrecs.com/apq/index.html
And. Now I am tired. I hope you like some of these at least!
HOW... um, never mind, I probably don't want to know!
Thank you very much for the tons of recs! I shall enjoy going through them.
You know, I probably will write more in this fandom. I was talking just the other day about how much I like writing crazy suicidal characters.
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