Haha! I laughed out loads in this exchange! Too funny! And Ninomiya's brand of dry humour never fails to amuse and make me laugh at the same time ^^
Haha! The SS walk is priceless as well as Sho failing to wirefly haha! Too funny... Such an eventful concert lol!
And I can totally see and understand why fans and people who have been there with Arashi for a long time would be sooo touched to see those outfits. New fans like me just cringe, laugh and find the whole thing amusing but for them it's like a cornerstone. It's gone from 'idols have it tough' to 'look how much you've accomplished'. It's indeed very special. Somehow it's elevated my view of the see-through outfits. I think I can come to respect it now haha!
Lol! Ohno's really talkative here, that's saying a lot. It's soo sweet what they did for him. Actually, I was already moved when the concert began with their names flashing big on the wide screen. It's a beautiful stadium.
Lol! It went from swimming trunks to see-through outfits. And I haven't seen all the concerts yet, I wonder what the next thing will be :P
Haha! The SS walk is priceless as well as Sho failing to wirefly haha! Too funny... Such an eventful concert lol!
And I can totally see and understand why fans and people who have been there with Arashi for a long time would be sooo touched to see those outfits. New fans like me just cringe, laugh and find the whole thing amusing but for them it's like a cornerstone. It's gone from 'idols have it tough' to 'look how much you've accomplished'. It's indeed very special. Somehow it's elevated my view of the see-through outfits. I think I can come to respect it now haha!
Lol! Ohno's really talkative here, that's saying a lot. It's soo sweet what they did for him. Actually, I was already moved when the concert began with their names flashing big on the wide screen. It's a beautiful stadium.
Lol! It went from swimming trunks to see-through outfits. And I haven't seen all the concerts yet, I wonder what the next thing will be :P
Once again, thanks for the translations ^^
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