
Oct 03, 2008 07:27

I've started using status updates on FaceBook. I guess I can see the appeal. One of the first ones was yesterday and it read "Eric is having quite the bipolar work week." On Monday I came to the realization that a chunk of the design for one of my small projects was no good so I started rewriting it. On a 60 hour project, 6-8 hours of rewrites is quite a bit. But I knew it was my fault so I bit the bullet and did it, part on my own time to help satisfy my guilt and because we had a client demo coming up on Wednesday. I wrapped up on Tuesday while getting somewhat hounded on all the other projects that I had been neglecting. Tuesday evening comes along and when I plugged my stuff in with the other guy's stuff, "click", it all worked nearly perfectly. One minor (5 minute) tweak and we were done. I felt very satisfied, but was not looking forward to the stuff piling up.

Wednesday morning I got an IM from the PM who was off visiting the Mothership (HQ in another state). He wanted me to add some records to the database so he could demo the app. 15 minutes later, another IM with two more records. I think there was a third. He tells me that people are just eating it up (in a good way)! One person sees it, tells another, makes the PM demo it, etc. The last demo was for (I think) a V.P... and he loves it too! In the afternoon comes the real client demo (not Mothership demos). By the end of the day I heard indirectly that someone was on the phone during the demo and "the whole room was clapping". The FB status that evening was "Eric is enjoying some Scotch after a slightly stressful two days."

I wish I could take all the credit, but I was just one of three parts, the others being a WebDev working in Flash and a telecom provider. I can't really go into details on a public post, but it entails text messaging, databases, and a video wall at a convention. Anyway, it was a successful day of demos.

Then Thursday comes along. It was one of those days where nothing seemed to work right, including my own brain. I made too many mistakes. I got my boss into a tizzy with a misunderstood email. Uncle Bear was throwing fits and I still don't fully understand how he works. I realized that if a Perfect Storm happens, I'll have about 160 hours of work for the next 3 weeks. I just wanted the day to end.

Here we are at Friday. We'll see how it goes.


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