Probably one of those rambling updates, so coming up with a title seems too much effort.
It's Friday night, so it's time for the traditional end of week bottle of wine, games and telly session, and Clint's on telly :).
Just realised that the holiday was three weeks ago, so I've got two weekends of stuff to catch up on. The first weekend after we got back was a nasty case of double booking, involving a trip to Abingdon for
aef's housewarming for his really nice new flat, followed by a trip out to
psprite's place in the middle of buttfuck nowhere (©
stompyboots) for (IIRC) Rum & Coke, Jenga, and Guitar Hero. After waking up feeling worringly unhungover, we then proceeded out for a pub lunch, obscure giant Jenga, pool, and then bowling, during which I discovered that too much bowling really hurts my wrists in that worrying 'shouldn't do that any more' kind of way.
Last weekend was, erm, Ruth's party at Ellie's new place- in honour of her the party was 'R' themed- Cat went as a Raven (and was roundly admired by pretty much everyone), and I went as a road (complete with cars)- the party turnd out to a lot of fun- we ended up heading home at about 6am Sunday morning, and not waking up again till about 8pm that night.
The other exciting event of the week was that I finally got a pay review (after, erm, 4.5 years...). Not only that but I've been given a salary increase of more than the absolute minimum I asked for. Compared to a real job it's probably still rubbish, but after such a long time without one I'm just chuffed I've got something decent (this is probably exactly what they want...).
Looks like it's Autumn again then- I think I'm an autumn kind of person, I like lively weather, and it was lovely walking home today with a spot of rain coming down and the wind driving some decent clouds across the sky. Weather like this has so much more to it than the rest of the year. If it wasn't for the fact it's stowed in the flat I'd be tempted to get my kite out again tomorrow and head off to Port Meadow for a while tomorrow.
While I'm on the topic, *really* looking forward to moving in to the flat now. Living with Polish Guy is really quite wearing- I'm becoming convinced he's never had to feed himself before, as not only do I have to teach him how to do the simplest cookery, but he really can't seem to handle any concept of tidying up after himself (and coming from me, that's a worrying observation to make). I keep on having urges to stand over him and shout 'It puts the pizza box in the bin!'.