Jun 20, 2018 02:59
I may have news. Maybe. Today may be a great new day. Maybe. Fingers crossed.
In the meantime, I’m still putting out feelers for copyediting because I MUST earn income - I’m down to $50 in my personal account. The bookstore is short $100 to pay utilities & I still need to pay taxes of course.
I want to earn my keep. If you know of authors who need copyediting, send them my way. Self-publishing authors welcome; I want to get them on board with me, but I don’t have the contacts in the market. I’ve spent my entire career with the mainstream publishers. I’m very reasonable: rates at windhavenpress.com.
Then there’s the property taxes of which I’m short a little over $1500. They’re overdue to the degree we’re on the edge of losing the house if I don’t get them in right away.
If I ran a gofundme for $2000, do you think people would help? I’m afraid of asking. I am afraid people who helped with our groceries would throw up their hands and say we’re beggars. The store is still waiting for the Summer People to come into the area: I’m just not getting in the sales yet.
What do you think?
being poor sucks,