I can't get this out of my head

Sep 02, 2013 00:39

The little bookstore in the VT town up the way from me is for sale, I found out today. Turn-key, dead cheap for what it is.

Granted, I'd have to have a good look at her books (no pun intended).

And pull a miracle out of my ass to buy it.

But my god, I KNOW this business. I could make a go of this, even in this economy. I'd need a good kickstarter to get the funds to buy, though, and I bet by the time I got the money, it would be gone. She just dropped the price by $10k -- she's moving and needs to get things settled pretty fast.

Dammit. Where are my fairy godmothers/fathers when I need them?

I'm trying to work at Best Buy (I KNOW...) right now because we need the income -- their demands are pretty much killing me, physically. Plus the whole Sales Monkey thing. I have experience in retail **management** (bookstores), and I'm a damn monkey at my age.


$15k wouldn't be impossible to raise, right? I know the business. She's been making a small profit with zero marketing, even locally, no events, and very little choice of newer books (and hasn't gotten in a refreshment of her used books in a while, from what I hear). If this is true, with what I know I can do with one hand tied behind my back, if I could only start up by buying it and a small infusion for marketing and setting up accounts with the jobbers, I could DO this.

Oh sigh.

I want this so much. I can't stop thinking about it.

I feel like this is an opportunity I shouldn't ignore. That this is IT. That this is why I moved up here, to this town, out of the blue. I know it's magical thinking, but I need some of that in my life right now.


Anybody want to chime in here about my insane idea? Anybody? Bueller?

(I don't think I can stay at Best Buy much longer, and that's a problem in itself. My back and feet, from the mandatory shoes I have to wear, standing i have to do for hours on end with no relief because of company/management regs, and bending and standing up with boxes i have to do on someone else's command and not at my own pace ... pretty much have me in white hot agony for up to eight hours a day. I can't do it much longer without literally being hauled away one day soon in an ambulance.)


bookstore, upper valley, books

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