At Dartmouth - surgery in the morning!

Jun 09, 2010 21:29

I'm up in Hanover, at the Courtyard Marriot, across from Dartmouth Medical Center (they gave us the corporate discount - yay! because I'm a patient).

I've been told to be at the surgical check-in at 6am.

Surgery should take, oh, 3-4 hours, so figure I'll be out of recovery and in a room maybe by noonish.

baron_elric is going to update his LJ with info about my status and surgery stuff. I should be pretty cogent again, maybe, by the evening -- but I'll probably be on heavy painkillers. I hope. I'll have my iPhone with me, so if you're on Twitter with me, expect very weird tweets in the afternoon and evening.

It's a scary operation, but needs to be done. Here's hoping I see you guys on the other end.

And yes, fic is appreciated. LOL. But I may not read it until tomorrow night and even then it'll be on the iPhone and I'll be completely stoned. Wait -- maybe that would be the best time for me to leave you guys comments on the fic, right? I THINK THIS IS A GOOD IDEA, Y/Y?

Oh, if you do leave me fic or anything, please leave me a comment here or somewhere I can find it -- you can't rely on me to remember to check your journal on my own. I'M GOING TO BE COMPLETELY, UTTERLY STONED, GUYS.


Fingers crossed. Yes, I'm scared.

spine, real life, i need a new back but it's on back order, health

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