I don't think this is what is meant by the "Inter-tubes"...

Apr 08, 2010 05:30

Today I got stuck down a tube while they bombarded my body with electromagnetic radiation.*

Other than that, it was almost 90 degrees Fahrenheit outside. IN NEW HAMPSHIRE. IN EARLY APRIL.

Hrm. Not sure either one of these things has anything to do with the other, but, just sayin'.

* I have a followup appointment with the orthopaedist on April 21st and should have some good input by that point as to what they've seen now as regards the disc, cyst, stenosis, etc., as compared to six months ago, and what they'd like to do next. I suspect I'll go for a second opinion, seeing as this is my SPINE we're talking about. *wibbles*

spine, real life, i need a new back but it's on back order, health

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