Feb 15, 2005 21:07
Oh ya, every day that I am here I realize more and more how Stepford this place is. I'm suprised they haven't implanted the chip in me. It's the creepy vibe that you get from the start, and then everyone knows everyone else, and everyone is too nice, and too willing to help you out. Then there is stuff that would put Santa Clarita's CC&R's to shame. We have "quite time" that starts at 10PM Sunday through Thursday, and then Midnight the other two nights. The hot tub that anyone can use closes at 10PM every night, and if you are in it after 10 then you get cited. We get cited for everything. They try to have all these get together things to promote unity...and they give away all this free food...but then ask you all sorts of questions when they find out you are new. And it isn't just me, the guys across the hall have picked up on the creepy vibe as well. And then there's the "Quiet Nazi".
Yep, we have dubbed this satan in the flesh as the "Quiet Nazi" because that is exactly what she is. Our second week there we were having a little get together in our apartment and we got a warning. Then I got drunk and was dubbed "DJ Jen" because I started to blare rave music (don't ask why) and everyone got written up for being loud. So out party was broken up at 10:30PM!! Then Sara and I are having a normal level conversation and the door busts open and there stands the "Quiet Nazi" and she starts to rip us a new one. Turns out this CRAZY BITCH has the master key and can get into anyones room whenever she wants, and she is a bitch about it. This lady is crazy, she always wears heels and clicks around the dorm in a Nazi martch. All her little army of RA's are afraid of her as well, and have told us there is nothing we can do about it. It's just out of control.
The guys across the hall have decided to wage war against her now. They are gonna Photoshop a Hitler Youth poster and a huge Swastika and hang it from the cealing so whenever she decided she needs to bust into their room there it is staring her in the face. Their other idea was to start taking pictures of her, like stalker pictures, and then turn them into posters and put them all over the walls, and then make a shrine to her on their kitchen floor. I really wish they would. My suggestion is to start saluting her in the way a crazy dictator she be saluted I hope you're getting the visual.
Then shit keeps breaking all over the place, my wall socket doesn't work, so I have all these electric cords running around in my room. Our sink broke and started gushing water all over the floor because they put cheap PCP pipe as the actual pipe from the sink to the sewer! Aubree's closet is completly broken, the hot water was off this morning, and this is the big one that just about started a riot on campus...the internet has been down since THURSDAY!!! Can you believe that shit.
I mean this school is creepy enough, then you add in the Stepford atmosphere, and the "Quiet Nazi", as well as all the regular bullshit of school...what a ride so far. I'm finding it harder and harder to believe but jesus if this is what real life is like...I don't want to live it!
Until Next Time.....