Jun 27, 2008 07:40
A Meme nicked from Englandbound
Post 3 things you've done in your lifetime that you don't think anybody else on your friends list has done.
See if anybody else responds with "I've done that."
Ask your friends do this in their journals to see what unique things they've done.
This got me thinking as well and some of things below maybe not have been done by my friends list simply because my friends list is small! But also that I have been privledged to have done some really amazing things
1) Visited Treblinka in northern Poland - a sobering and strange experiance
2) Lived for 6 months in Aarhus, Denmark - a drunken and strange experiance
3) Sang Mozart's Reqiuem in Winchester Catherdral as part of very large choir - a wonderful and awe inspiring experiance