a full sca convert!

Jan 27, 2008 21:18

Well I think I must have finally gone full SCA crazy...after being very pleased at finding over 3m of black heavy wool mix cloth on sale for 3 quid I cut it up today to make a new tunic for Nick and started sewing it today....but did I use my sewing machine....oh no I have decided to hand sew it!  I would like to bring it to the first stitch n'bitch tomorrow but as it is bloody difficult to sew in a well light lounge I think a pub would be to much.

I also found some lovely light red wool for 3quid a metre which I will go back to next week (after pay day!) and start putting together a hand sewn tunic for myself

EDIT - Oops just been reminded that Stitch N'Bitch is in fact next week!  Still this way I can get more of the tunic sorted.

projects, sca

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