May 19, 2004 10:41
This is the first I've opened the ol' laptop in weeks. She is in baaad shape. Need for repairs imminent. I'll get to it soon.
I've been in the suburbs mostly these past few days. After the camping trip I started working for the mom-lady doing landscaping and otherwise working on her new house et al. First day working she comes around back where I am hauling dirt and she says there is a guy out front who wants to talk to me about working for him.
Take a step back: I have a plan, and the plan is to continue acquiring more and more jobs, leaving behind the ones that aren't as good as I go. Well, day one at job one and I get hired for a new job.
So Style and I are hired by a gentleman named Berk Martin. We are now officially independent subcontractors, which is cool, because I now have an occupation. I guess... whatever, anyway... First day there and he says he knows a guy who needs some work. So now on Friday we are supposed to go work for another guy.
So I have three jobs lined up. Not to mention, we are making mad money. I've got over two hundred bills in my pocket right now which is about to be banked. This is an extremely good thing. Now I have enough money to pay back some of the money I owe different institutions and persons and money to find a place to live when my lease runs out.
I really would like to live with Lauren for a month or so this summer. I like Lauren, and I like her house and housemates, and I like the city.
Which reminds me, I want to get my old job back working as a programmer. Not that I like programming, because I don't. And not so much because it's easier than hard labor, because it isn't (it's mentally taxing), but because I want to go home.
I hate the suburbs. Working for CTI (Creative Technologies International) I can work from anywhere. Clave... my house... other people's houses. I've probably worked for CTI more out of other people's houses and coffee shops than I've worked at CTI or at my own house. And like any work, sometimes when you are programming you get really into it and like ten hours go by like nothing at all. Plus you get to drink coffee and take mini-breaks for snacks and whatnot all day.
Tonight I am going to Shampoo with L-Dizz.. I'm not sure how I feel about typing out L-Dizz, I think in the future she will remain the illustrious Lauren. I plan on having a great time, however, I barely slept last night, so I'm going to have to take a nap or something.
So anyway, I'm off to go make some cash money records. I'll be back in the city this evening. Oh, as a final note: being a pirate is great. Not only do I live for almost no money at all, but I am eating healthier than I have in a long time. Maybe I'll not die of muscle decay.