Drabbles, Johnny’s Entertainment crossovers
Pg; a series of mini drabbles.
Kitayama/Fujigaya; Together
They’re falling, growing older, disillusioned. They’re unsure, tired, wondering how many more years the can wait. They’re falling, failing, failing, but they’re falling together, and it’s okay.
Sho/Nino; Home
Nino can deny it. He can overcompensate with teasing and money extortion. Nino can try to brush things aside like he does to everything else, roll his eyes and whack someone on the head. Nino can do all those things and more, but at night, when filming ends and he’s tired and grumpy, Nino will go home. He’ll climb into bed; fall asleep in someone’s arms. And behind his closed eyes, there will be a shine of the joy of being home.
Sakamoto/Nagano; Old
There are times when Sakamoto does not mind being old. These times are when Nagano is there, fussing and spazzing over gyoza restaurants and complaining about creaky backs. Times like these don’t often come by, but Sakamoto thinks that he just might not mind being old if Nagano is growing old along with him
Okada/Ken; First kiss- the angsty interpretation
When Okada first kisses Ken, it’s a complete and utter failure. Okada thinks it’s a failure because Ken just shrugs and walks away, and never mentions it again. Ken knows it’s a failure because he can’t bring himself to accept it, can’t get over himself, can’t make his head listen to his heart. So he walks away, and he knows deep down inside that he’s the failure.
Kitayama/Totsuka; Happiness
I’m happy for you, Hiro, says Tottsu. He’s smiling, and Kitayama doesn’t understand. But Tottsu does; this is enough, he says, with a sweep of a hand, you are enough hiro, I’m happy now. Kitayama doesn’t know when separation will ever stop hurting, or when that guilty pang will slowly ebb away, but he pulls Tottsu closer anyway ; he’ll cling on to all the happiness he can get.
Goseki/Tsukada; Old hands
It’s been years, they’ve been doing it for so long that it’s unimaginable doing anything else. Reality hurts, so does rejection and exclusion. But they pass, they’ve both passed that stage. Goseki looks at the younger juniors with the air of someone who has seen it all ( and he pretty much has), even koyama and Nakamaru haven’t been around as long. He watches as the juniors struggle with, and for, attention, and he smiles. You gets over the pain after a few years and, Goseki glances at Tsuka-chan fanboying Yara, if you’re extra lucky, you pick up something to love on the way too.
Kimura/Goro; Over
It makes his blood boil, like nothing else can. It makes him rage, hate the unfair quirks of life that mess things up so badly. Kimura watches Goro smile and hates himself silently. But he’s stuck; he can’t do anything, and it only hurts all the more that it’s no one’s fault but his own.
Kitayama/Yamapi; Friends
They are friends. Many years ago, they used to be close; they hung out, shared a love for soccer. They used to equals that could joke, laugh and play. But things changed; hierarchy is a scary thing, and so is time. Things started to fade out, until they’re so far apart it scares them. It’s still there, but neither of them can reach out and grab it. Sometimes, there are small awkward smiles, shared over different band mates, or when Kitayama is dancing behind at a concert. They are friends, but not quite.
Ohno/Aiba; Confession
I love you, Aiba chan, says Ohno, one day when they’re lazing around the dressing room. Is that a confession leader? Aiba grins. It is, says Nino, from Ohno’s lap, we decided that it should be direct and open. Aiba pauses for a while. But you and leader-
Have sex, says Nino dryly, like you and, say, Yoko or Sho (‘Do not’, squawks Sho in the background) or Jun.
Oh, says Aiba. Okay then, he flashes a peace sign at Ohno, we should have sex, then. Ohno nods in agreement, and goes back to scratching Nino’s back.
But it’s fine, they’re Arashi, after all.
Kinki kids; Song
No, Kou-chan, you can’t put that in the song, says Tsuyoshi with saintly patience. And don’t you think you should start a little earlier before the deadline next time? Koichi rolls his eyes, It’s only breasts, I have to appear heterosexual, remember? Since you refuse to. A pause. And I still have fifteen minutes, no sweat, yo.
Yoko/Aiba/Toma; Ikemen
It is best to be drunk in the company of good friends and on good alcohol with a good atmosphere and most importantly in a private room. And also, according to Aiba, Naked. You’ve shed the idiot image Toma-chan, says Aiba sadly. Yoko nods in agreement, then he hits Toma on the head, ikemen-ness is for weenies, he informs Toma seriously.
Teehee, says Toma, Naked~
Senga/Sho; Fan boy; the not-so-obvious-but-still-just- as-there choice
Ne, senpai, says Senga, Can I see your hotel room later?. Senga’s eyes are wide and huge, dripping with innocence and without a single trace of deviousness ( unlike, say, Chinen). Sho takes a step back, overwhelmed by the sheer force of the cute. He wavers. Please? Says Senga, with just the right amount of pout. Sho gives in. Okay, he says, and tells Senga his room number.
SEE YOU TONIGHT SENPAI~, calls Senga at the top of his voice as he skips away. Sho turns round to find jun staring at him, eyebrow raised, and he starts to wonder if giving in was the best idea after all.
Round the corner, Senga readies his bunny costume and prepares for phase two of his evil plans.
omg, these just get progressively longer; I've officially used up all my notebook space for mindless drabbles.
just another quick post before I go missing again. And is my junior bias showing that badly? I blame my discovery of pictures of Hiro and Pi at school together
By the way, I've joined the auction for the
help_pakistan word offerings. Fic, naturally. my thread is