Title: Waiting to Bloom
Series: Just To Be Close
Author: Rachel
Theme: Sexual Response: Desire
Disclaimer: Joss owns everyone, I own nothing. I’m simply taking them out to play with.
Rating: PG
Notes: First of five I wrote this the last time for
stagesoflove, but I never posted it in my LJ, so I'll be be posting it up this week. :)
She looked down at the little black dress again, checking it for imagined spots and then chastened herself for being so silly. It was date, it wasn’t like they hadn’t been on dates before, in fact, all they had been doing was dating. Movies, dining out, he took her to an art show the other week and she’d actually managed to take him to a rock concert the week before. They had spent the last two months, just getting to know each other again. But this just wasn’t any other date, this was the date, the pre-sex date.
Okay, it wasn’t official or anything, but she was a woman and they just knew these things sometimes. The subject of sex hadn’t been brought up since he told her the curse was no longer an issue, commuted, was the word he used. And they had been getting along wonderfully without adding sex into it, despite the fact that most nights they were together she wanted to jump him like a crazy lust bunny, but still...
When he called her up to ask her out tonight, she could tell there was different in his voice, a hidden sensuality, or maybe she was projecting because she thought his voice was damn sexy anytime. Point being, she wanted him, and she was going to have him tonight. So she put on the low cut dress, the strappy shoes and the lacy underwear. He did pick the restaurant though, which was fancier than there normal fare, so he must have had something in mind as well. So she sat, not so patiently waiting for him to arrive.
Just a moment later, she saw him walk through door. Black pants, red silk and his standard leather duster. She decided that later she would burn all his clothes because men shouldn’t be allowed to look this hot, and then she blushed as she realized what the implications of her thoughts would be.
He scanned the room for her, finally finding her in the corner and took a moment to appreciate the neckline of her dress.
She saw him smile her half smile as he walked over too, but there was something almost carnal about it tonight. She felt her stomach fall to the floor. And suddenly the room was a lot warmer.
“Hey,” he said, kissing her quickly before taking a seat across from her, “You okay? You look a little flustered.”
She shook her head and smiled, this was gonna be a long night, “Yeah, I’m fine.”