The Clock Tower Showtime, a Back to the Future picspam

Apr 10, 2009 18:56

SPOILERS if you haven't seen the movie.

I'm sorry I know it's been awhile I didn't post any graphics in this community... So here's my very first picspam for picspammy, I decided to do it about the clock tower final scene on the movie Back to the Future (Part I). It's definitely one of my favorites scenes of the whole movie =)

09:55 PM
Saturday November, 12th 1955
Hill Valley, California

“Damn, where is that kid? Damn. Damn, damn.”

“You're late, do you have no conception of time?”

“Hey c'mon, I had to change, you think I'm going back in that, that zoot suit?”

“The old man really came through, it worked!”
“He laid out Biff in one punch! I never knew he had it in him! He never stood up to Biff in his life!”
“ Never? ”
“No, why, what's the matter?”
Doc slips the photo back in Marty's pocket, shaking his head.

“All right, let's set your destination time. ”

“This is the exact time you left. I'm gonna send you back at exactly the same time.”

“It'll be like you never left.
Now, I painted a white line on the street way over there, that's where you start from.”

“I've calculated the distance and wind resistance retroactive from the moment the lightning strikes,
at exactly 7 minutes and 22 seconds. When this alarm goes off you hit the gas.”

“Well, I guess that's everything.”
“Thank you.”

Marty hugs Doc, for what he thinks for the last time, surprising the scientist at the same time.

“In about 30 years.”

“I hope so.”

“Don't worry. As long as you hit that wire with the connecting hook at precisely 88 miles per hour,
the instance the lightning strikes the tower, everything will be fine.”

Doc suddenly finds the letter Marty wrote in order to warn him about the terrorists in his pocket.

“What's the meaning of this?”

“You'll find out in 30 years.”
“It's about the future, isn't it?”
“Wait a minute!”

“It's information about the future, isn't it!”
“I warned you about this kid. The consequences could be disastrous!”
“Now that's a risk you'll have to take! Your life depends on it!”
“No, I refuse to accept the responsibility!”

“In that case, I'll tell you straight out.”
The lightning strikes a tree branch, causing it to fall over and disconnect the cable.

“Great Scott!”

“You get the cable, I'll throw the rope down to you.”
“Right, I got it.”

Doc runs up the Courthouse stairs to get to the clock while Marty picks up the cable.

Doc climbs the stairs in a hurry. He knows there're only few minutes left.

The clock turns 09:58 PM.

The scientist throws the rope down and Marty attaches it to the cable.

“C'mon, c'mon let's go.”

“All right, take it up, go.”

But Doc can't hear him due to the lightning.

“I have to tell you about the future!”
“On the night I go back in time, you get...”

The clock strikes 10 - for what will be for the last time!


“Go, go!”
“No, Doc!”
“Look at the time, you've got less than 4 minutes! Please hurry!”

Marty finally obeys, gets in the car and drives off.


Doc sees the DeLorean leaves.

The clock turns 10:01.

Doc then climbs over the the ledge, and looks down.
As more lightning happens, Doc suddenly slips.

Haha, I just realised that the end of this first part looks like a cliffhanger XD
The second part will be posted in the next few days!

Screencaps by elfmoogle and by me.
Some of the script lines are from the Hill Valley Telegraph.

- Not dial-up friendly. This post is HUGE. That's why I'll post it in two parts.
- Please, do not use these edited screencaps for graphics.
- Stealing is bad.
- Do not hotlink.
- Comments are highly appreciated.
- Enjoy =)

.picspam, movie: back to the future, !maker: artinrevolution

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