I think I might have a new weight loss motivation: MONEY!

Jan 11, 2013 20:19

My boss, assistant manager and I will all be competing against each other to see who can lose the most weight by March 14! And whoever loses (by NOT losing lol), pays the winner! We haven't decided on an exact amount yet, but at the time we were thinking $1/pound + $10 (from each loser). I think this is gonna be a great idea.

We're going to weigh at work Monday (there's a scale in the break room - no idea why) so we'll have a sense of uniformity. Then weigh February 14 and again at the end in March.

I think it'll be pretty interesting: my boss is a woman who'll be 55 in April, my asst. manager/co-worker is a 31 yo male and there's me (30). I'm afraid my asst. manager might have a pretty easy time since he's a guy and they lose weight like it's nothing. But we ALL need to lose weight after the holidays, and we decided on this over Weight Watchers at work because that's expensive.

I'm gonna work hard! Plus, my husband is a good coach, and when he's on board with me, i think we'll get crap done.

I said that if someone told me I was gonna go to Scotland after I lost 20 lbs, I'd have those 20 lbs off tomorrow! LOL So, yeah, clearly I need something to motivate me.

weight loss crap, fit club, work

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