Characters: Huo (
getsome_sleep) and Sniper (
Date/Time: Backdated to July 26th.
Location: Scavengers' Yard
Rating: PG
Summary: Huo admits to his part in Sniper's death. The opposite of hilarity ensues.
Normally, Huo dealt well with things that were inevitable. Once something was a fact that could not be helped, all that was left to do was find a way to deal with it, and finding ways was his speciality. Speaking with Sniper and telling him the truth was something that he had to do. There was no sense in delaying or hesitating over it.
And still, it was only days after the wave of new arrivals had vanished that he finally made his way down to the Scavengers’ Yard, now by far his least favorite place in Edensphere. There was a certain dread in his step. What he was about to do ran contrary to his nature, his instincts, his good sense, all the ways in which his mind worked. For a first step down a new path, it was a substantial leap.
But better that way, perhaps - if one meant to do something, one ought to commit to it.
The other scavengers pointed him toward the area where Sniper was working, and so he walked. If he lost a friend today... perhaps at least he would learn a lesson.