Characters: Brianna (
ice_echani) and Vimes (
Date/Time: August 15th, late morning
Location: Yard Sale
Summary: Two "civilians" have a chat.
Today had been... busy.
Brianna woken without a uniform, but that did not seem to be the majority occurrence--many of Edensphere's residents wore either rainbow or grey. Brianna knew what both stood for, but she ignored them and provided whatever assistance she could to frightened people on either "side."
Part of that assistance, she'd decided, would be preventative measures. As such, she was currently in the Yard Sale beheading squads of mannequins before they could explode. There were very few real people here at the moment, making it less of a risk to throw her lightsaber and dispatch them in succession.
With her senses heightened (as she'd written, it still hurt to be struck by rubber bullets), it wasn't difficult to sense Vimes' nearby. Brianna quickly called her lightsaber back to her hand and began to hunt for him.