Characters: Rauxes
white_disciple and Rain
notpissedoffDate/Time: Friday Dec 17th 2010 / an hour or so after
Juhani's entry that Handmaiden has died.
Location: Serenity spa
Rating: PG most likely
Summary: Rauxes gets an odd ping for death during a break at work and asks Rain about it, so gets a breakdown of the ES version of death.
She had just finished a round of cleaning, ending in one of the rooms where spa treatments were normally performed. That one was empty, so she sat down on the table to pull out her journal. She wasn't quite in the habit of checking it as often as some people in Edensphere, but she was getting there. In her mind, she had the excuse of recovering from the undead invasion as well as working diligently at her new job.
However, she was unprepared for what she saw: an unfamiliar writing claiming that Handmaiden was dead. Immediately her mind had two disparate reactions: firstly, that it was indeed a sad thing to happen. She liked Handmaiden, and clearly something very bad must have happened to her for someone so strong to be killed.
The second reaction was more in response to the writings she recognized, like Gai's, seeming to be very upset by the whole thing. Far more upset than Rauxes herself was.
"She'll come back, won't she?" She asked aloud, mainly due to the shock. "Just take her to a healer, they should fix that. Right?" It wasn't some permanent state - it was a wound like any other that could be healed, with the proper person to do it.