Characters: Derrick
bloody_pens and Promise
no_severedheadsDate/Time: July 26th, evening
Location: The Ninja House, possibly elsewhere?
Rating: G
Summary: After lots of pressure from his friends, Derrick finally caves and tells Promise the truth- he's her dad.
Derrick kept a wary eye on his journal as he made his meandering way to Youth and Bell's house to finally have a real conversation with his daughter. He'd avoided it as long as he reasonably could- even now, he kept purposely overshooting his friends' home, wandering further, turning around, walking past again.
He couldn't really say why he was so averse to just TALKING to Promise- as Qi said, telling her that he missed her, that he loved her. He supposed it was in large part due to still feeling like a total failure as a parent, for not recognizing her on sight, for not just KNOWING. And part of it, he had to admit, was fear that one or both of them would be hurt, just for the simple act of establishing a bond.
Finally, he came up to the door, raised his hand, and knocked.
Do it now, or they're going to, and you'll miss your chance.
Remember the promise you made when she disappeared. Don't screw it up.